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Medicaid is intended to cover all medically necessary services for indigent persons, so no supplemental insurance should be necessary. For Medicare, supplemental insurance will be necessary.

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Q: Do you have to carry supplement insuance with medicaid or Medicare?
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Should medicare receipents still carry major medical insurance?

no they shouldnt

My son receives Social Security disability and Medicare. I also carry him as a dependent on my group health insurance through work. Which insurance (group health from my employer or Medicare) is his primary insurance?

In most cases, Medicare is the primary insurance for those who have it and are also covered by other types of insurance, like a group health plan. The group health plan would then typically serve as secondary insurance to cover costs not paid by Medicare. It's best to check with both insurance providers to understand how they coordinate benefits for your son's situation.

Why does Medicare pay for Essure?

Medicare does not pay for essure. Medicare will pay for maternity but not for contraception or birth control of any kind, even for a doctors visit to discuss family planning or birth control. Rediculous I think. It will pay for a so called disabled person to be pregnant and have a baby but not for a tubal ligation to prevent having any more children. Medicaid however will pay for family planning procedures. In my way of thinking if one is supposed to be disabled, not able to work, and on Social Security disability then they should not be getting pregnant in the first place. If you can carry a baby and care for it when it is born then you can be out there WORKING and leave the benefits for senior citizens who have paid for it all their lives.

What could happen if a person with type B intakes iron supplement?

It doesn't matter if any one blood type or another takes an iron supplement. If you are low in iron, however, the hemoglobin in the RBC can not carry as much oxygen as it should.

Does medicare require you to carry medical insurance in your auto policy?

Medicare has nothing to do with auto insurance. Medicare is a Federal program of medical care for the elderly. During one's working life, Medicare taxes are paid to provide the benefit upon retirement or disability. What you may be referring to is "medical payments coverage". It is a a coverage provided by auto policies that is available to pay a portion another party's medical bills in the event of a collision in which he/she is injured.

Where can I purchase some whey protein supplement?

"Most major health food stores carry a variety of whey protein powder, but your best bet is to check out vitamin and sport-supplement shops, either locally or online."

What percentage of Americans have health care?

Official studies show the number of Americans withHealthcare to be very much above half (Around 83%, actually). Circa 2007, the number uninsured was calculated at about 15.3% - this varies, obviously, due to economic conditions, with the 2012 number hovering at 18%.Source: that "insurance" includes a wide variety of existing government healthcare programs (from Medicaid to Medicare or US Veterans' benefits), so the relevant answer is that about 85% of the population has some form of medical coverage either though private insurance, a public program, or some combination of the two. 15% have NO coverage of any kind.Also, ALL Americans have a right to health care - that is, the right to be served in a hospital for emergencies, regardless of insurance. No person can be turned away from a hospital for emergency care due to lack of ability to pay (or lack of proof of insurance), though they will be billed for the services received (and may or may not be able to pay those bills).

Why do we carry oxygen cylinders while climbing a mountain?

We carry oxygen cylinders while climbing a mountain to supplement the decreasing levels of oxygen at higher altitudes. This helps prevent altitude sickness and ensure that the body receives enough oxygen to function properly.

Where to buy daily supplements?

Most drug stores have a supplement section in the pharmacy area of the store. If they don't carry what you are looking for you can always order from from the comfort of your own home.

Can you carry primary insurance after you retire and go on medicare?

In general, yes. Medicare can be secondary insurance for a person otherwise entitled to it who continues to work beyond the age of 65 and participates in a health insurance plan offered by or sponsored by the employer. Additionally Medicare can be a secondary payer for disabled people who have their own coverage through their own employer's large group health plan (usually 100 or more employees), or large group health coverage that they have through a family member.

Do you carry used beach wheel chairs and if so how much do they cost. Does medicare help in anyway?

If any one has the Jeff's Surgical Supply will 2249 Woodbridge Ave, Edison, NJ - (732) 985-5333

Where can I get laser spinal surgery around southern Indiana and Louisville area. Need one that takes Medicaid and Tricare Insurance.?

They may not carry it yet in your area. I would check with the local hospital on recommendation for people they've worked with and like.