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First, Congress, or the Legislature, is the House and the Senate combined.

To answer your question, at the federal level, there are no limits. As long as the Member keeps getting elected and aren't removed due to ethics, they can remain in Congress. Each House Member is up for election every 2 years, and every Senator is up every 6 years.

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13y ago
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13y ago
List of Arguments in Favor of Term Limit:
1. Overwhelmingly, voters prefer term limits. (It's their native commonsense! [opinion not fact])
2. Term limits downgrades seniority, favors meritocracy.
3. Increases competition, encourages new challengers.
4. Builds a 'citizen' Congress, drives out career politicians.
5. Breaks ties to special interests.
6. Improves tendency to vote on principle.
7. Introduces fresh thinking, new ideas, eliminates 'old bulls'.
8. Reduces power of staff, bureaucracy, lobbies.
9. It will create a natural reduction in wasteful federal spending.
10. Encourages lower taxes, smaller government, greater voter participation in elections.
11. There are more reasons in favor of term limits than reasons against.
12. Gets reelection rates back to near 50%, versus the current 99%. (Founders called it "rotation in office")

List of Arguments Opposed:
1. Terminates the good politicians along with the bad.
2. Instead of term limits, a reform of Congress' procedures would be easier.
3. Reduces range of voter choice.
4. Loss of knowledge and experience.
5. Increases the power of staff, lobbies, and bureaucracy.
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11y ago

It is my opinion that the indefinite times a Congressman can run for election is detrimental to the United States.

Long term congressmen tend to take their reelection for granted and long term incumbents are fertile ground for corruption. I believe its healthy for new people to become members of Congress.

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16y ago

Unfortunately, no.

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Q: Do congress have term limits
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How long is a term of Congress. Why do some people support term limits for members of Congress?

7 years. An far off

What is the maximum number of years that anyone can serve in congress?

no term limits

How long can you be on the US congress?

Until you die or are no longer elected. There are no term limits for either house of Congress.

How many terms can congress have?

Congress does not have term limits, and may serve in their position until replaced by the voters.

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Congress does not have time limits. Individual congressmen have time limits in the sense that their term of office runs out, but Congress itself can take as much time as it likes.

Term limits for members of the US Congress can be imposed only by?

constitutional amendments

How many times may a congressperson be relected?

As of 2012, there are no term limits for Congress.

Who imposes term limits on Congress?

Voters can set practical term limits on a US Senator or Congressman by voting him or her out of office in the general election. There is no way to pass a law or state constitutional amendment that imposes legal limits on their terms, however, because the US Supreme Court found that unconstitutional in US Term Limits Inc., v. Thornton, (1995).

What is the name for the idea that a member of congress can be elected a certain number of times?

Term limits

What is the name for the idea that a member of Congress can only be elected a certain number of time?

Term limits

What is the name of the idea that a member of Congress can only be elected a certain number of times?

Term limits

What is the name for the idea that a member of congress can only be elected a certain numbers of times?

Term limits