Generally speaking, no you do not have to pay back grants or scholarships. Both are usually given without anticipation of repayment, but there are usually some requirements such as keeping good grades and having good character.
can these grants be used for home improvements on your home what are these grants used for and is it no pay back and where do you apply
are this the goverment grants you dont pay back
There are grants for single parents that want to go back to college. Federal Pell Grants are grants given by the government that you do not have to pay back. You can apply at
College grants is money that is gifted to college students and they don't have to pay it back. There are different qualifications for various grants.
Are there grants to pay for teacher education expenses I would love to g back to teach again
Yes, you do not have to pay a grant back.
No, you pay back loans not grants. There are grants and student loans online which allows you to pay them back until you are earning a certain wage. Foreign students though sometimes don't get any financial support.
Grants do not have to be repaid. Loans have to be repaid.
Back to school grants provide funds to help pay for tuition and books or supplies necessary to continue education. Grants are eligible in every state and for most college programs to assist with education costs.
School grants are very helpful and convenient if you need to pay for your college educations. For all the information's, how to apply and to check your eligibility, visit
You will fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to find out what types of financial aid you are eligible to receive: loans (you pay these back), grants (you don't pay these back), or work study.
Grants are just like a loan. However, grants usually don't have to be paid back until serveral years after you graduate giving you time to secure a job.