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Q: Do Americans want democracy
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Related questions

How can a petition help separate the Americans from the Britain?

It helps to see how many people want to separate from britian and also is like democracy

Why did the Mexicans want democracy?

Who wouldn't want democracy if they could have it?

What are 2 ways Americans can participate in their democracy?

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What are two ways that Americans can exercise their democracy?

Two ways Americans can exercise their democracy is by voting and by freely speaking. Both are integral parts of a democratic system of government.

Why did America want a president instead of a king?

becasue the british empire werent treating the americans in a manored way so Americans started a revolution, this is where john locke comes in and the three other men that believd in democracy were on the british side but supporting the americans

What is a way the Americans can participate in their democracy?

The best way is to vote!

Why do you think people from other countries helped Americans in The War of Independence?

They liked the idea of democracy and the freedoms that it brings , and they want to be free and not abide by the British rules and regulations

What are some disadvantages of democracy?

There are quite a few disadvantages of a democracy. One disadvantage of a democracy is that you might not get what you want.

Is Mexico City a democracy?

Mabye. Who knows? Only Mexicans and or Americans

What are the release dates for Press for Democracy - 2005 The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century?

Press for Democracy - 2005 The 100 Greatest Americans of the 20th Century was released on: USA: 24 May 2013

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What are 2 ways in which Americans can take part in their democracy?

vote,run for office