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The basic requirement is that you have served in the armed forces. Most countries do have some additional restrictions. In the US, you must have been discharged either on a General or Honorable Discharge to qualify as a veteran.

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Yes, anyone serving in the military, whether active or reserve, is indeed a veteran.

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Yes, you are a veteran if you served in the military, whether in peace-time or in war.

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Q: Did you have to have been in a war to be considered a veteran?
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Who is considered an actual US veteran?

Anyone who served in the military is considered a veteran, war or peace

When did soldiers from the Korean War first qualify as veterans?

A veteran is considered anyone that has served in the armed forces. Anyone that came back from Korea would have been a Veteran of the Korean War. Once one has received a discharge from the armed forces, they are a veteran.

If you served during the Vietnam war in the us army reserves but were not called to active duty except for training are you considered a Vietnam era veteran?

You are a Vietnam Era Veteran but not a Vietnam War Veteran

Is a nurse that worked in war a veteran?

Military nurse in war,YES...a military veteran. Civilian nurse in war, YES...a VETERAN of her occupation but not a MILITARY Veteran. Another words, the word "Veteran" is not strictly a military term. A person can be a veteran doctor, veteran lawyer, veteran school teacher, etc. Veteran means someone that has been doing that job/occupation for a long time.

What time frames are necessary for a veteran to be considered Korean War Era?

1950 ~ 1953

If you were stationed in Berlin Germany before the wall came down are you considered a veteran of World War 2?

you are not considered a veteran of WW-II.that time frame was from December 7,1941 to September 3,1945.

What qualifies you to be considered a World War 2 veteran?

Serving at least 3 months in a military force during the war.

Are you considered a World War 2 veteran if you served in 1947?

No because WW2 was over in 1945

Are you a veteran if you died in war?

veteran means survived a war, not died in war.

A soldier who returns from war?

A war veteran or just simply veteran.

When was War Veteran created?

A veteran is anybody that used to be a soldier. How long someone fights depends on their situation. They could have been fighting all their lives to never having fought anybody because there was no war going on at the time.

If i have a dishonorable discharge am i still considered a veteran?

am I considered a veteran if I have a dishonorable discharge