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Negative, the first cav was the Army's airmobility force. They were not an airborne(paratrooper) unit. I believe that the only large scale jump was made by the 101st in 1967.

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Q: Did the ist cav div in Vietnam make any combat jumps?
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Related questions

What is the most combat jumps completed by an individual?

It is most likely that they most combat jumps by any individual would be six. It is not actually known who the person because the jumps are made as units, not individuals.

Is Vietnam stronger than your country?

Vietnam was one tough nation from the end of the Vietnam War until their combat experienced men began retiring out...the same as with any nation. So, whenever the last of their combat experienced men left, that was the beginning of their decline in power (again, the same as with any nation). Therefore, in the 21st century; no, Vietnam is not stronger.

Is someone who served in Vietnam and Desert Storm considered a combat veteran?

That depends on where you were and what you were doing. If you received any awards specifically for combat service, you certainly are considered a combat veteran. If you were assigned to units that went into combat, that will also establish it. Your DD-214 should actually reflect time in combat.

Did John McCain fight in any wars?

John McCain was a fighter pilot in the US Navy and flew combat missions in Vietnam.

I know rangers have to be jump qualified but do they do combat jumps on a regular basis at least for this current war?

As far as I know, only two combat jumps have occurred since the GWOT began in 2001. The first was Operation Bright Star in 2001 in Afghanistan, in which 147 Rangers made a combat jump into Afghanistan. The other was Operation Option North in 2003 in Iraq, which involved 1,000 jumpers drawn from the 173rd Airborne Brigade, and US Air Force's 18 Expeditionary Force. That jump was more a matter of posturing than necessity, however - the airfield was already secured by the time the jump occurred, and was more than capable of handling any aircraft necessary. Before 2001, there hadn't been any combat jumps made since Desert Storm, and only 12 jumps (which seems to me to indicate only 12 personnel) were credited for that one.

Why is jumps called jumps?

*Why are jumps called jumps?In order to clear an "obstacle" of any sort, a horse must jump over it. Therefore these "obstacles" became known as jumps.

What is any advantages of US going to Vietnam?

All tanks and jets built to fight the USSR did fight in the Vietnam War and ended up being combat tested and evaluated there. The results of those tests are today's tanks and jets (to include the Top Gun schools of the USN and Air Force; where air to air combat is conducted).

Did any scientific p programs come about because of the Vietnam war?

1. The SAGGER and TOW anti-tank missiles were first deployed in the Vietnam War (1972 to be exact). 2. Today's UAVs (Combat Drones) can trace their current success to the over 5,000 combat missions flown by Ryan's Firebees and Fireflies over the skies of North Vietnam and Red China during the Vietnam War. Ryan's UAVs are even credited with downing a couple of NVAF MiGs!

What was true about the end of the Vietnam War?

At the end of the Vietnam War, Congress refused to support South Vietnam any longer.

Does combat arms make viruses and make your computer slow?

No combat arms doesn't make your PC slow. Unless its a really cheap and old PC. It works really good on a HP laptop and doesn't affect it in any way. And if you don't want Combat Arms any more, you could easily deleted in just 3 minutes and it would be permanently erased from your laptop system.

Will they make a new combat arms?

Refine your question, but if you mean will they make a new version or something than probably not any time soon.

Were there any aferican's in Vietnam before Vietnam war?
