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"But with full knowledge and understanding [the Carthaginians] offered up their own children, and those who had no children would buy little ones from poor people and cut their throats as if they were so many lambs or young birds."

Plutarch, Moralia II.171C

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Q: Did the Phoenician practice human sacrifice?
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How did Aztecs practice human sacrifice?

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How did the Aztecs feel about human sacrifices?

they felt that it was wrong to practice human sacrifice

In what practice do the flower myths of hyacinth and adonis probably have there roots?

Human sacrifice.

In what practice do the flower myths of Hyacinth and Adonis probably have their roots?

Human sacrifice

What did Cortes do to end the practice of human sacrifice?

Hernan Cortes worked to convert the Aztecs to Christianity, which eventually led to the decline of the practice of human sacrifice in their culture. He also used military force to defeat the Aztec empire, which further weakened their ability to continue the practice.

Who were the leading practitioners of Human Sacrifice?

Some of the earliest people to practice Human Sacrifice were the ancient Native Americans. Usually, human sacrifice was performed to please their gods, in order for some gain, whether physical or spiritual.

Why did they practice human sacrifice?

Human sacrifice is the ritualized killing of a human being. It is most commonly practiced for religious purposes. At one time it was very common but in these modern times it is very rare.

What ancient practice did the Phoenicians adopt from the egyptians?

The Phoenician adopted the Egyptian alphabet.

What do people need to live a truly human life?

They have to be concerned about others, and be willing to sacrifice and practice mercy.

What were the differences between Greek regligion and Maya religion?

Different gods. Did the Greeks practice human sacrifice?

What was the Aztec religion was dominated by what practice?

The Aztec religion was dominated by the practice of human sacrifice. They believed that offering human blood to the gods was necessary to ensure the survival of the universe and maintain the balance between the mortal realm and the divine realm.