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The Black Horse Cavalry was a political corruptionist group in New York.

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Q: Did the Confederate Army have a unit called the Black Horse Calvary?
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Related questions

What breed is the black horse that the Household Calvary of the Queen of England ride?

They go by type not breed. if the horse is of the right type they will use it no matter the breed.

What do you call infantry on a horse?

The Calvary.

What is a calvary horse?

You're confusing Calvary (cricifixion locale) and cavalry (military group)

The calvary would have ridden which animal?

a horse

What was the color of Napoleon's black horse?

Black of course. That's why he was called the Black Horse of Napoleon

What is a blawhite horse called?

a black and white horse is called piebald

Was Bucephalus the flying horse?

Pegasus was the flying horse. Bucephalus was Alexander the Greats favorite calvary horse.

What is a black female horse called?

a black MARE

What is calvary unit?

it is a animal eg horse or elephant with a person on it

Is the horse black beauty alive?

this is a fictional story of a beautiful black horse, but there must be horses out there that are called "Black Beauty"

What is a horse with a black and white coat is called?

a horse marked with black and white coat is known as a PieBald

What is a military force riding in a horse?

Military on horseback were referred to as the Calvary.