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If she did, I find no record of it in the many books about the Kennedy family that I have.

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Q: Did rose Kennedy have all 9 children by caesarian section?
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What was Jacqueline Kennedy's grand children's names?

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How many of Joseph Kennedy's children are still living?

One. Jean Ann Kennedy Smith is the last living child of Joseph P. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. As of August 26, 2009 there is one Kennedy remaining. Jean Ann Kennedy was born February 20, 1928 and is the sixth of Joseph P. Kennedy and Rose Fitzgerald's nine children.

Did John F. Kennedy have a mother?

Everyone has a mother. His was Rose Kennedy. She was the daughter of the Mayor of Boston, and had 8 children besides JFK.

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The names of Ted Kennedy's two children with Victoria Anne Reggie are Curran Raclin Kennedy and Caroline Summer Rose Kennedy.

Who is John F kenidy's mother?

John F. Kennedy was a President of the US. His mother was named Rose Kennedy. She was a philanthropist who married Joseph Kennedy. Together, they had nine children.

Who is the mother of John F. Kennedy junior?

The mother of John Fitzgerald Kennedy was Rose Kennedy, who was born Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald.

How many Kennedy sisters are still alive?

As of March 24th, 2012, the only living Kennedy elders/adults and in-laws are Jean Kennedy Smith, Ethel Skakel Kennedy, Joan Bennett Kennedy, Victoria Reggie Kennedy, Caroline Bouvier Kennedy, and Edwin Schlossberg. Also living are all the Shriver children, Lawford children, Smith children, the children of Caroline Kennedy, most of Bobby Kennedy's children, and all but one of Senator Ted Kennedy's children. This does not include all of the grandchildren of the Kennedy generation of nine (the nine children of Joesph and Rose Kennedy). The only child of Joesph Patrick Kennedy Sr. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy who had children who mostly passed away before having their own children was John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Of the five children he had, only one lived long enough to have children of her own, but Caroline Bouvier Kennedy and her entire family lives on today.

How may brothers does Ted Kennedy have?

Joseph P. Kennedy, Sr. and Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy had 9 children, 5 girls and 4 boys one of which was Edward (Ted) Kennedy therefore the answer is he had 3 brothers

Did Rose Kennedy have any special needs children?

Yes, Rose Kennedy had a daughter named Rosemary who had intellectual disabilities. Rosemary was given a lobotomy at a young age which resulted in lifelong challenges with mental and physical disabilities.

When was Rose Kennedy Greenway created?

Rose Kennedy Greenway was created in 2008.