They ran as Republicans in 1864 . Lincoln was a leader in the Republican party virtually since its inception. Johnson had long been a member of the old Democratic party which split over slavery. He was the only Southern senator who did not resign his position when his state seceded and so no longer had ties with the party that had sent him to Washington.
President James K. Polk, he was a member of the democratic party
The Conservative Party - otherwise known as the 'Tories'
George Washington was an independent. He did not belong to any political party.
I checked from Buchanan to Polk and can safely assume that Lincoln was the youngest of all presidents before him. Johnson is also older than Lincoln; however, Grant and Hayes belong to an entirely younger generation. So I can say that the 15 presidents before Lincoln plus the one president (Johnson) after Lincoln would be: 16 presidents. -Reloque
Wallace was Democratic most of his life. In 1968 he ran for president on a third party ticket.
The leader of the Democratic Party is the party chairman of the Democratic National Committee in general, but when the President of the United States is a Democrat the political authority moves to the President. Typically the President has great influence on who is selected Chairman. But remember Will Roger's famous line: "I don't belong to any organized, political party; I'm a Democrat."
There were 5 Jacksonian Democratic presidents before the Civil War. There have been 9 modern Democrats since the Civil War. (The Democratic Party split over slavery in 1860 . After the Civil War ended a new Democratic Party emerged in opposition to the Republicans. ) Some people add the 5 and 9 to get 14 Democratic presidents. There was one president, George Washington, before parties came into being. There was one Federalistm John Adams, There are 4 Whig presidents. There are 4 Democratic-Republican (Jeffersonian) presidents. John Quincy Adams had ties with the residue of the old Federalist party and later was a leader in the Whig party. He did not really belong to a national party when hew was elected. There were 18 Republican presidents , counting Andrew Johnson, who ran as a Republican with Lincoln but had been a Democratic Senator and joined to the reformed Democratic party after he was President. Summary: 18 Republican, 13 Democrat, 4 Whig, 4 Democratic Republican, 2 unaffiliated, and one National Union Party (Andrew Johnson).
Two U.S. presidents, Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton, were impeached by the House of Representatives. Andrew Johnson belonged to the Democratic Party, while Bill Clinton was a member of the Democratic Party as well. However, neither of them was convicted and removed from office by the Senate.
The Israeli president does not belong to any of of their branches.........