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Recently, a Neanderthal skeleton was found with a petrified wooden bow. Until this point, it was thought that Neanderthals had no projectile weapons. Considering that the age was around 40,000 years old, it could be the case that Neanderthals of that time learned to made bows from the modern humans that they would have interacted with.

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11y ago
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15y ago

Yes. In hunting an in battle. They were commonaly made from yew, elm or ash and the arrowheads were iron or antler.

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9y ago

Neanderthals had clubs and spears, but did not have bows and arrows.

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12y ago

i have absolutly no idea thats what im asking hahahaha they mabey used haur bows1

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12y ago

YES the Neanderthals did use bows and arrows ^_^

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12y ago

Yes they did

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Q: Did neanderthals make the bow and arrow?
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