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Obviously the peace that ended WW I did not last very long . Just 15 years later, people could see that another war Germany was likely . However, now Europe is at peace and seems likely to stay that way for a long time, maybe forever, so something hopefully created a lasting peace and many of Wilson's ideas have come to be accepted.

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Q: Did Woodrow Wilson's 14 points create a long lasting peace?
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What was goal of Woodrow wilsons fourteen points?

The Fourteen Points was a plan in order to create a just and lasting peace, therefore, that was the goal of the Fourteen Points.

What was Woodrow Wilsons term called?

Woodrow Wilsons term was called "The Fourteen Points", in which he wanted to create a stable peace among naitions in Europe after World War 1. this eventualy lead to the creation of "The League of Nations"

What was Woodrow Wilsons plan for peace called?

Woodrow Wilsonâ??s plan for peace was called the 14 Points or the 14 Points Plan. He believed that this plan would help to create world peace.

What was the goal of Woodrow Wilson's fourteen points?

The Fourteen Points was a plan in order to create a just and lasting peace, therefore, that was the goal of the Fourteen Points.

What twas Woodrow's Wilson's plan for lasting peace?

14 points

What was the only ideal of president Woodrow wilsons fourteen points delegates at Versailles voted to accept?

Freedom of the sea

What was the only ideal of president Woodrow wilsons fourteen points the delegates at Versailles voted to accept?

Freedom of the sea

Of Woodrow Wilsons Fourteen Points the one that he hoped would provide a system of collective security was the?

League of Nations

What was the name of President Wilsons speech to the congress?

President Woodrow Wilson's speech to congress was called "Fouteen Points".

What was the only ideal of president Woodrow wilsons fourteen points the delegate at Versailles voted to accept?

Freedom of the sea

What was the only one of the president Woodrow wilsons fourteen points the delegates at Versailles voted to accept?

the leage of nations

What did the last of wilsons fourteen points propose?

Fourteen Points was a speech given by President Woodrow Wilson in 1918. It laid out policies for how Europe should proceed after the war was over.