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Yes. He didn't wear body armor.

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Q: Did William McKinley make mistakes in his life?
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Did William McKinley make any inventions?

No, he didn't. He was the 25th president, though.

Did William McKinley make any changes to the white house?

He loved apple pie and he wanted a dog

Is it wrong to make mistakes?

Of course not! everyone Makes mistakes and life would be boring if we knew everything. We all make mistakes and that's why there are erasers on the end of pencils xx :) !

Did Sacagawea ever make any mistakes in her life?

no she didn't

Who lost 2 times against William McKinley?

William Jennings Bryan lost twice against William McKinley in a campaign for the White House, in the 1896 and, again, in 1900. Although Bryan did not run for the Office of the President of the United States in the Election of 1904, he did make a third attempt in 1908, in which he fared his worst defeat.

Did Sandra Day O'Connor make any mistakes in her life?

Never. Not one.

Does everybody make mistakes?

Yes!! Everybody makes mistakes. It is something we just can't resist. We don't know we have made a mistake but we just do. You, I and everybody else, we all make mistakes. It's very common to make mistakes. You can learn from your mistakes and you will probably will never make the same mistake again.

How does teacher's reaction make you feel when you make mistakes?

They make you feel upset, but mistakes are mistakes.

How do you overcome your love life mistakes?

that's a hard one! the only way i can suggest you overcome your love life mistakes is to try and not make them again! i really do know what your going through as i have made many mistakes recently in terms of my love live but to overcome them you must recongnise that that's exactly what they are; MISTAKES! if you realise this you will assure yourself not to make them again and in time you will be fine

We have made a mistakes when you are in a hurry or make mistakes when we are in a hurry?

We make mistakes when we are in a hurry.

Are you human because you make mistakes or do you make mistakes because you are human?

You make mistakes because you are human, not the other way around.

Why does my girlfriend want to get married after she attemped to cheat?

Ask her. People make mistakes and people forgive, its part of life.