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No. She was just appointed to the US Supreme Court, and was sworn in on August 8, 2009.

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15y ago
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3y ago
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14y ago

Sonia Sotomayor is the newest Associate Justice on the US Supreme Court. She was sworn in on August 8, 2009.

For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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Ashley Guzman

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1y ago

No she sadly passed away July 26, 2021 she died at the age of 94, she died due to cancer but im glad she isnt suffering anymore she was a strong women.

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14y ago

Yes. Sandra Day O'Connor, who was the first woman appointed to the US Supreme Court, is still alive as of June 2010. She was a member of the Court from 1981 until 2006.

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13y ago

Justice Sonia Sotomayor is alive and well and hearing cases before the US Supreme Court as you read this answer.

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12y ago

Sonia Sotomayor's mother is still alive today.

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6y ago

she is still alive

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Hampton Howell

Lvl 4
1y ago

Yes she is still alive born on june 25 1954

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Hampton Howell

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1y ago


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What is the birth name of Sonia Sotomayor?

Sonia Sotomayor's birth name is Sonia Maria Sotomayor.

What did sonia sotomayor's father die from?

Heart Attack

What is Sonia Sotomayor's sexual orientation?

Sonia Sotomayor is heterosexual.

What is sonia sotomayor's full name?

Sonia Maria Sotomayor

What is sonia sotomayor's full name?

Sonia Maria Sotomayor

What languages does Sonia Sotomayor speak?

Sonia Sotomayor spoke English and Spanish.

What is sonia sotomayor birthday?

Sonia Sotomayor was born on June 25, 1954.

Is Sonia Sotomayor African-American?

No. Justice Sonia Sotomayor is Latina.

When was Sonia Sotomayor born?

Sonia Sotomayor was born on June 25, 1954.

How many children does sonia sotomayor have?

Sonia Sotomayor doesn't have any children.

Who was Sonia Sotomayor?

Sonia Sotomayor's ex-husband was Kevin Edward Noonan

Who was sonia sotomayor's husband?

Sonia Sotomayor's ex-husband was Kevin Edward Noonan