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If taxes are lower, the people get more money. If they spend it on things inside the U.S.A, the products and money stay in the country, aiding the economy. If taxes are raised, the individual has less money to spend on things, bringing the economy to a standstill. No one wants to spend their precious dollars, so products change hands much slower.

Lower taxes encouraged businesses to expand in the US. Expanding businesses -> more jobs -> more people with money to spend -> more products sold -> businesses expand to produce more products -> more jobs -> more people with money to spend -> more products sold -> businesses expand to produce more products -> more jobs -> more people with money to spend -> more products sold -> businesses expand to produce more products -> more jobs ->

Also, the expanding businesses making more profits on which taxes are collected (twice, once on the business and once on the shareholders) and all the new employees pay taxes on their wages so the total tax revenue increases with lower tax rates.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

Technically, presidents cannot lower taxes. Tax laws are passed by the legislature and signed into law by the president. During the summer of 1981 the central focus of policy debate was on the Economic Recovery Tax Act (ERTA) of 1981 - often referred to as "the Reagan tax cuts". The core of this proposal was a version of the Kemp-Roth bill providing a 25 percent across-the-board cut in personal marginal tax rates. By reducing marginal tax rates and improving economic incentives, ERTA would increase the flow of resources into production, boosting economic growth. During the 1980s ERTA had reduced personal tax rates by about 25 percent, while the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (also passed and signed into law during the Reagan administration) chopped them yet again.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

To sustain the illusion that taxes can decrease, for yet another Presidency cycle.

The fact of the matter is taxes must increase. Why?

Because the money supply always increases. Why?

Because the money supply has no limit upon its growth. Why?

Because the money supply is debt. Why?

Because all money in existence is borrowed. Why?

Because if you borrow money in order to use it, you make the lender your master. Why?

Because people don't understand money.

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