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Q: Did Polk believe Zachary Taylor had political reasons for his actions in Mexico?
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What is the word for people who leave their native country for political reasons?

If you are looking for the crossword puzzle answer, try 'emigre'.

Was the conflict in Northern Ireland religious or political?

It was more for political and social reasons, than for religious reasons.

What is deciding not to buy a product for political reasons?

Boycotting (this refers to avoiding anything for political or other reasons).

How does political science connects and affects history?

Political science analyzes the behavior of individuals and institutions in the political realm, helping to explain historical events and trends. Understanding political systems and dynamics can illuminate the reasons behind historical actions, decisions, and conflicts. By examining political structures and processes, political science can offer insights into how historical events unfold and the impact of political decisions on societies.

What are two reasons for massive convulsions of the American political system in the late 1960s?

i believe its the civil right revolution at home and the Vietnam war abroad

What is the budget of Reasons to Believe?

The budget of Reasons to Believe is 3,131,508 dollars.

What details from Dante's political life were mentioned in the Inferno?

Dante was a Florentine exiled from his hometown due to political reasons. This exile is referenced in the Inferno, where he encounters political figures from his time, such as Guelphs and Ghibellines, who he depicts as suffering in Hell for their actions. Additionally, he expresses his political beliefs and allegiances through the characters and events he encounters throughout the poem.

Why are the Republicans complicit with the destruction of America?

This is a "push" question designed to create an opinion just by asking. Certainly the Republicans and other political figures have their reasons for actions, not really to destroy the country.

What Are political reasons for manifest destiny?

Slavery, Political, and Democracy.

Why do you immigrate?

People immigrate for political reasons and for economic reasons.

What is a political trial how are criminal trials different?

A political trial is a description, not a type of trial. It can be a criminal trial or a civil trial. The label of 'political trial' can be put on any type of trial as a description by the accused or other parties that believe that the person or persons are being prosecuted for political reasons. It can also be a description for trials that involve political issues or a political agenda.

What are some Political reasons for Manifest Destiny?

Slavery, Political, and Democracy.