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yes, that is correct - 6 years as a Congressman and 8 years as senator,

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Q: Did John F Kennedy serve 14 years in congress as representative and senator?
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How long did ted kennedy serve congress?

He served as Massachusetts senator, from 1962-2009. He was a Democrat.

Does a senator has to served first as representative?

No. A Senator does not have to serve in the House of Represenatives first.

How long is a term of congress for senator?

Congress and the Senate are two separate houses, so a Congressmen serves a term in Congress, and a Senator serves in the Senate. A term for a Representative in the House is two years. Senators serve a term of six years. There is no limits on how many terms either officeholder may run for reelection.

How many does a Senator serve in congress?

100 by Brandon Daff

What age of candidacy in Oklahoma senator and representative?

You must be 21 to serve in the House and 25 to serve in the Senate.

How many years did Ted Kennedy serve in senate?

John f Kennedy served 14 years in congress as represenetor and senator

After working as JFK's Attorney General where did Robert Kennedy serve as Senator?

New York

Who made the decision that setting limits on the number of terms that a senator or a representative can serve is illegal?

The Supreme Court

Who are the three members of the Legislative branch that directly represent you in Congress?

The three members of the Legislative branch that directly represent you in Congress are your two Senators and your Representative. Every state has two Senators, and each Senator serves the entire state. The number of Representatives for each state varies based on population, with each district electing a Representative to serve in Congress.

Who represents you in congress and in senate and how long they serve in each position?

congressman/senator 2 years

How long does a representative serve in Congress in the articles of conferderation?

one year

How many terms can a senator or reprsentative have?

There is no limit on the number of terms a senator or representative can have. Senators serve 6-year terms and representatives serve 2-year terms, and they can be reelected for as many terms as voters choose to elect them.