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I have one that's 7" tall, made of porcelain, but it doesn't have any markings. I'd like to know more about it.

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8mo ago

There is no conclusive evidence that John F. Kennedy Jr. had a figurine of himself saluting his father, President John F. Kennedy. While it is possible that such a figurine existed, it is not widely known or documented.

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Was there a figurine of John F Kennedy Jr saluting his father made?

Did you ever find any info regarding this figurine? I inherited a box with 7 of them! They were issued by the Sister of Saint Joseph / Mulberry Hill Arts / Latham, NY. according to the sticker found on them. That's all I know. I tried researching Mulberry Hill Arts and found nothing. I would love to hear what you found out about it. Thanks, Marilyn

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