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Yes, they did. Thomas Jefferson and Johns Adams became close friends at the Cotinental Congress in 1775. this is also where they first met. Later on, especially while Adams was President and Jefferson his vice-president they came to detest one another because their political beliefs were directly opposite to one another's. Each felt the other was betraying the principles for which the Revoluntionary War was fought. It is documented fact that while Jefferson was Adams's vice-president, Jefferson and Madison worked behind Adams's back to undermine him. In the election of 1800 Jefferson ran against Adams and won the presidential election after Adams had served only one term. Adams so disliked Jefferson at that time that Adams did not attend Jefferson's inauguration. After Jefferson had served his two presidential terms, Adams reached out to Jefferson to renew their friendship. Now that neither was directly involved in the politics of the day, each could talk to each other amicably. According to Joseph J. Ellis in "Founding Brothers", Adams knew that history would treat the Jeffersonian side of the political difference more favorably than his side, so he wrote to Jefferson partly as a way to get his side of the story preserved for posterity in his letters. When they both died on July 4, 1826, the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, John Adams last words were "Jefferson survives." or "Jefferson lives." He was wrong. Jefferson had died 5 hours before.

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12y ago

They were both presidents.John Adams was vice president under George Washington.He died on July 4,1826 the same day his vice president Thomas Jefferson died.John Adams served as president from 1797 to 1801.He was also a founding father.As president he signed The Alien And Sedition Acts.John Adams was born in 1735.John Quincy Adams was the 6th president.He helped to write the Monroe Doctrine and he was James Monroes secretary of state.He was the son of the 2nd president.John Quincy Adams was born on July 11,1767.In 1797 John Quincy Adams married Louisa Catherine Johnson.She was the only first lady who was not born in the United States.In 1830 he was elected to the House Of Representatives.In 1825 he became the 6th president of America.As president he wanted to stop slavery.John Quincy Adams served as president from 1825 to 1829.John Quincy Adams died on February 23,1848 after suffering a stroke two days early.

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13y ago

yes they did like him as a president but also at the same time they might not have because other people are different but yes lots of people did like him.

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11y ago

They really didn't get along because Thomas Jefferson was a anti-federalist and John Adams was federalist and they pretty much hated each other

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10y ago

John Adams was despised by King George III, who called him a traitor.

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