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No. Jackson said that for at least all American white men.

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Q: Did Andrew Jackson promise equal protection and equal benefits for Native Americans?
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What did Jackson promise for all Americans?

equal protection and equal benefits.

What did Andrew Jackson promise the native Americans?

equal protection and benefits

When President Andrew Jackson promised equal protection and equal benefits for all Americans do you think he included native Americans in his promise?

definitely not

Do you think President Andrew Jackson included native Americans in his promise why or why not?

To save the people

Why did many native Americans give there support to the british?

The Native Americans were promised protection against the 'Americans' but the British couldn't keep that promise because, as you probably know, we were beaten and were 'kicked out' of the country.

Can you with your boyfriend?

nope, not with out protection or when you have a promise ring!

Is it ethical for a company to promise benefits and then years later walk away from the promise?

People are going to have different points of view. Generally, it's going to be seen as unethical for a company to promise benefits, and then walk away from the promise years later.

What are the benefits of workers' compensation?

what an employee promise not to do when he accepts worker's compensation benefits

What are the benefits of keeping a promise?

Answer You become trustworthy to that person.

What did President Carter promise Americans?

Carter promised to never lie to Americans.

Which promise equal protection under the law?

14th Ammendment

Did Jackson promise to sign a bank re charter bil if congress sent it to him or did he promise it kill it?

Jackson vetoes the bank re-charter bill. He never hid his dislike of the bank.