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Prior to the 1800s the population growth pattern was slow due to fatal diseases. Diseases such as smallpox, diphtheria, measles, and scarlet fever hit infants and children hard. The black plague of the 14th century, typhus, and cholera eliminated adults in large numbers. During the 1800s Louis Pasteur along with others discovered that diseases were caused by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, and parasites. These infectious agents were transmitted through water, food, and insects. Vaccinations then came into play along with major improvements in sanitation and personal hygiene. One hundred years later the discovery of penicillin resulted in cures for often fatal diseases. From this point on there was a reduction of mortality among infants and children while birthrates remained high as a result of better sanitation, medicine, and nutrition.

Increasing numbers in population put increasing demands on the environment. The demand for resources goes up, including food, energy, and water. The production of wastes also increases.

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Q: Cause and effect of population explosion?
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