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Q: Can your granddaughter receive your GI bill for college?
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Related questions

Do you receive living allowance for the gi bill?

Under the "New GI Bill," yes.

What did the GI Bill enable returning soldiers to do?

Receive funding to go back to school or receive special training.

What were the Effects of the GI Bill?

The effects of the GI Bill after World War II were enormous. Millions of returning veterans were able to purchase housing and receive a college education. Both of these effects heavily impacted the American economy.

Benefits of the gi bill?

There are many benefits of the GI Bill. Of note is that an enlisted or veteran is eligable for up to $50k in benefits for college - books and tuition! Montgomery GI Bill Benefits | Soldier to College Student in 4 Steps Read more:

Can you receive the GI Bill if you have defaulted student loans?

No they check on that.

Was the GI Bill a success?

No, the GI Bill is crap. They tease you with all these promises of money for college, but you have to jump through hoops to get it.

What piece legislation increased college enrollment?

GI Bill

What piece of legislation increased college enrollment?

GI Bill

How can I ensure fair return on a gi bill?

The GI Bill benefits are set by the government, meaning there is no room for negotiations. You will receive the same benefit as everyone else.

What was the purpose of the Montgomery GI Bill?

The primary purpose of the Montgomery GI Bill was to provide opportunities and economic help to veterans. This included sending them to college.

Will the military coast guard pay for your college?

People who serve in the Coast Guard receive the same GI Bill benefits as members who served in any other branch of the military.

How can offices in armed services receive college education?

One of the ways armed-service members can get a college education is through the GI Bill. Passed after World War II, the bill provides assistance to former military professionals who want to pursue higher education.