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You can only wear one at a time - they can't be worn together. With or without a CIB, the only way you'd be authorised to wear the EIB is if you've tested for and were awarded it. If you havn't done this, you can't wear the EIB, even if you have a CIB.

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No. You can only wear one Category 1 badge on any uniform, which both the EIB and CAB are. You could wear it with an EFMB or CMB (which are Category 2), but not with an EIB or CIB.

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Q: Can you wear the Expert Infantryman badge if you have a combat infantryman badge?
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When was Expert Infantryman Badge created?

Expert Infantryman Badge was created in 1943.

If you' re not infantry can you earn the expert infantry badge?

No, you cannot. You have to be classed as infantry to earn the EIB..................................................Another Answer:EIB is the Expert Infantryman Badge that was given to almost everyone in basic that passed the course. It did not matter what job you had.The CIB Combat Infantryman Badge was given to those that were in combat infantry situations. You did not have to be in the infantry to receive either award.

Military units received CIB in Vietnam 71-72?

The Combat Infantryman's Badge is an individual badge (of honor); not a unit award. It was created in WW2, because NO BODY wanted that job! So ONLY the infantryman received it. Not the Tank Crewman, Not the Artillerymen, Not the Aircrewmen.

If you are not an expert marksman can you still wear the badge cause you have an cib?

The Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB) is awarded to infantry personnel who have actively engaged in ground combat. It does not require expertise in marksmanship. Therefore, if you meet the qualification criteria for the CIB as an infantry soldier, you can wear the badge regardless of your marksmanship skills.

Why is EIB important to an Infantryman?

The EIB (Expert Infantryman Badge) is important to an infantryman as it recognizes their proficiency and expertise in various infantry-related skills. It enhances their credibility and demonstrates their capabilities in combat-related tasks, enhancing their professional development and career advancement opportunities within the infantry. Additionally, it fosters a sense of pride, accomplishment, and camaraderie among infantrymen.

Is the expert infantryman's badge the highest award you can receive in the military?

No, the highest award a military member can receive is the Congressional Medal of Honor.

Is Rifleman 745 eligible for Combat Infrantryman Badge?

I think in order to be eligible for Combat infantryman Badge you would have to have been in combat and your immediate commanding officer would have to request that you receive the CIB. Not real sure but you can find out a lot on Google... There is also an Infantrymans Badge.

Could a Marine attached to an Army infantry unit during combat operations wear the Combat Infantryman Badge?

No. They would receive a Combat Action Ribbon. If ever they transferred to the Army, then they'd be eligible to wear the CIB or CAB in lieu of their Combat Action Ribbon.

If you can wear a CAB and an EIB on your Class A's if so where is it in the regs?

Yes, you can wear a Combat Action Badge (CAB) and an Expert Infantryman Badge (EIB) on your Class A uniform. The regulations regarding the wear of these badges can be found in AR 670-1, paragraph 22-16 and 22-17.

Can you still wear army ranger or special forces tab after transfer to other mos?

So long as you have earned them, yes. The President's Hundred tab, Special Forces tab, Ranger tab, Combat Infantryman/Combat Medic/Combat Action badge, parachutist wings, Air Assault wings, scuba qualification badge, Pathfinder badge, etc. are individual awards which can be worn by a soldier who has earned them, regardless of if they change units or MOS.

How were medals issued to servicemen after World War 2?

Answer The last day of the war, the Victory Medal was issued by General Order #33 issued in 1945 by the War Department. Several years after the war, the Prisoner Of War Medal was issued for any soldier who had been captured and held as prisoner in any war. This medal was not created then but after the war, the Bronze Star Medal was automatically issued to any soldier who had previously earned the Combat Infantryman's Badge, which was given to a soldier who qualified as an infantryman and who served in combat. Custermen

Who can wear cib?

Anyone can wear a cib, which stands for Combat Infantryman Badge. However, the badge is typically awarded to soldiers in the U.S. Army who have served in an infantry or Special Forces role and have actively engaged in combat.