

Best Answer brother wanted to join and he has warrants and they told him no..

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15y ago

No. You cannot join the Army with any pending warrants.

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Q: Can you join the army if you have a civil warrant?
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Can you join the Army with an active warrant?

no you need to be clean and pay all fines

What is a civil warrant hold?

A civil warrant hold is a civil arrest warrant. A civil warrant hold can be executed in several types of civil cases, for example child support.

What age did you have to be to be able to join the army during the civil war?


What is a Arizona civil warrant?

A civil warrant or a civil arrest warrant in the state of Arizona is generally filed after failure to appear in court. It is basically the same thing as a bench warrant and is issued by the judge.

When did Tennessee join the union army in the civil war?

It joined the CONFEDERACY in June 8, 1861.

Is there a difference between a bench warrant and a civil bench warrant?

A bench warrant is a bench warrant whether it is issued by a criminal court judge or a civil court judge.

What ways did African Americans gain new freedoms following the civil war?

they were able to join in the army

When did Ulysses S. Grant join the union army?

Grant went back into the US Army in 1861 and served until after the Civil War ended.

Did Abraham Lincoln join the civil war?

Yes. As Commander In Chief of the US Armed Forces, otherwise known as the Union Army, Abraham Lincoln joined the American Civil War against the Confederate Army.

Did the confedearte congress allow enslaved American to join the army before the end of the civil war?

Yes the Confederate Congress did allow enslaved African Americans to enlist in the army before the end of the civil war

What would happen if you didnt want to join the civil war army but they needed recruits?

You would get shot in the bum.

How many Am Civil War Union Army Warrant Officers?

None. The system of Warrants did not begin in the US Army until WWI. There were perhaps some in the US Navy, where, until 1912, graduates of the Naval Academy served two years as Warrant Officers before being commissioned as ensigns.