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No you must have no criminal record

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10mo ago

Yes, it is possible to have a misdemeanor on your record and still work as a pharmacy technician. However, it may depend on the specific laws and regulations in your state and the nature of the misdemeanor offense. Some states may have restrictions on certain offenses, such as drug-related crimes, that could potentially impact your eligibility to work in the healthcare field. It is advisable to check with your state's pharmacy board or licensing agency for more information.

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Q: Can you have a misdemeanor on your record as a pharmacy tech?
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Ye,s pharmacy tech classes are available online. You can go to and find a pharmacy tech class at that site.

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If you want to learn more about the pharmacy tech text try out this web site: They have a lot of information about it and many user who help each other out.

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Kaplan University offers pharmacy tech courses online.

Can a pharmacy tech answer a physicians question about a dose?

In theory, a pharmacy tech should have the information to answer physicians questions regarding dosage.

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The online opinion seems to be varied about the benefits of a pharmacy tech school. Have a look at this website before making your decision:

If you have a reduced felony to misdemeanor does felony show on public records?

No, the misdemeanor shows on your record. You pled to, and were convicted of, a misdemeanor and that's what the record will show.

Are there any schools that offer pharmacy tech classes in the Omaha, Nebraska area?

The University of Nebraska College of Pharmacy is located in Omaha Nebraska. They offer classes in pharmacy tech.