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yes indian Stock Market perfect competition in market

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Q: Can you find some basic aspect of perfect competition which is essentially absent in stock market?
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Chase in the tour de France?

It's the competition aspect of winning the race.

What rhymes with aspect?

Suspect, and write me back.

Would you date a pretty girl who is mean or an ugly girl who has a perfect personality?

beauty is with-in so probably date an ugly girl with a perfect personality. In the same aspect, no one is perfect.

Is has been an verb phrase?

The phrase "has been" is a verb phrase consisting of the auxiliary verbs "has" and "been." It is commonly used to show the continuous aspect or the perfect aspect of a verb.

What are the eight tenses?

As far as I know all languages have aspects, which are past, present and future. Sadly, if you're learning (or teaching) English life is not that easy. The past aspect has 4 tenses: past simple past continuous past perfect past perfect continuous The present aspect has 4 tenses: present simple present continuous present perfect present perfect continuous The future aspect has 6: 'timetable' future 'diary' future 'going to' future future 'will' future perfect future perfect continuous But then you have the modals which talk about future possibilities / probabilities. I'm sure I haven't remembered everything but as you can see, eight doesn't even come close.

What is tense and aspect of verbs?

Tense refers to when an action takes place (past, present, future), while aspect refers to how the action is viewed in terms of completion or duration (simple, continuous, perfect). Both tense and aspect are used to convey specific meanings in a sentence.

What are the disadvantages of basic research?

1. It is time consuming and costly. 2.It based on theoretical aspect, but without practical no idea is perfect.

What is the origin of the word champion?

The word champion is Middle English in origin. This word first was used sometime around the year 1605 and was used in the aspect of competition.

If you could have anything in the world what would it be?

i think that i would want...... to be perfect in every aspect of life, honest, kind, pure, popular, and beautiful( in side and out)

What are two external factors to be considered when setting the price for the product?

When setting the price of products organizations much consider competition. Another aspect the need to consider is the demand for their product.

What sports did the Romans do at the baths?

While there was a health club aspect at the baths, it was mote about strength and conditioning than competition. There have been reports of boxing and martial arts practice as part of this.