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No. The Social Security check is intended for that person only, and is not transferable. If the legal recipient is deceased, you're supposed to notify the Social Security Administration and return the check or follow whatever other instructions the representative gives you.

People who attempt to convert the deceased person's check for their own use may be charged with one or more felonies.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No. If the person were to die before the date on the check, the IRS will require the money back.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

no, the person has to live the entire month to qualify for the benefit.

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Q: Can you cash a past social security check of a deceased person?
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You can check the Social Security Death Index (SSDI) database to verify whether a Social Security number belongs to a deceased person. This database is maintained by the Social Security Administration and is publicly accessible.

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In the US, a dependent child of a deceased parent may be eligible for assistance from Social Security. Check with your local Social Security office.

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If you and your spouse have been married for at least 10 years, she will be eligible for a Survivor Social Security Benefit monthly check if you are deceased, and if she is age 62. But if she is disabled, she may qualify to draw it at an earlier age. You can phone your social security office or go online to be sure though, which I recommend.

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Can a check written by a deceased person be cashed?

It is highly unlikely that a bank will cash a check written by a deceased person. The bank has no way to verify that the check was written before the death.

When someone turns 18 does a social security check come in their name?

noTo get social security a person has to work 40 quarters and be at least 62. Social security is for people who have paid into it so they can have a retirement. If someone is 18 today they will not qualify for a full social security payment until they are about 69 or 70 years old.

Can you receive your social security retirement benefit as a check?

Yes you can choose to receive your monthly social security check in the mail if that is really what you want to do.

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When a person received social security checks, they must file a report as to how they are spending this money. If a person knows of this money being abusively used, they can report it to the Social Security Administration.