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part A does not cost anything, i dont see why you would want to cancel it. but you want to you can call 800-772-1213

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Q: Can you cancel Part A of Medicare?
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Would like to cancel part b of your medicare?

yes I would like to cancel medicare part b. I can't afford it at this time and I do have another insurance.

Can you cancel Medicare Part B?

Yes, you can cancel Medicare Part B. See this link for details:

Can you cancel medicare coverage?

Yes, you can cancel your Medicare coverage by contacting the Social Security Administration. It's important to weigh the decision carefully and consider the consequences, such as potential gaps in healthcare coverage.

Who is eligible for Medicare part d?

Anyone who has Medicare Part B.

What is the cost of Medicare Part D?

what is the cost of medicare part d

When did Medicare advantage plans start?

2006 when part D when into play. medicare advance is part C of medicare

What is medicare part a and medicare part b?

part a is hospital coverage, part b is dr coverage

What does Medicare part and a and b cover?

Medicare Part A covers hospital services. Medicare Part B covers services by other providers such as physicians.

Is part C medicare a less expensive option than traditional medicare?

Part C medicare is less expensive then traditional medicare. However, with medicare part C there is less coverage so you will have limited services with your medical provider.

Is original Medicare and Medicare part a the same thing?


Do you have to have medicare B in order to get medicare D?

No, you only have EITHER Part A of Medicare OR Part B of Medicare to get Part D. It is not necessary to have both parts to get D. This is completely incorrect according to the Social Security Adm. (This is where you have to sign up for Medicare). I was told this information 9-24-10.

Does medicare a and b cover setting a broken nose?

medicare part b is for medical part and medicare part a is for hospital. If the procedure was done in the hospital it should be coverd.