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If you earned your Ranger tab on active duty prior to joining the Army Reserve, you will still continue to be Ranger qualified. If you are simply serving in the US Army Reserve and intent to be sent to Ranger school from your Reserve unit, your chances are slim to none, and you would be better off to join the National Guard and try to get into a Special Forces unit of the National Guard. If you are looking to serve in a Ranger unit of the US Army Reserve, then this will be impossible, as there are no such units in the Army Reserve. The US Army Reserve is composed of training and support units, with all combat arms relegated to the Regular Army and Army National Guard. The one exception to this is the 100th Battalion, 442nd Infantry Regiment, which is an infantry battalion of the US Army Reserve, which is composed of reservists from Hawaii, American Samoa, Saipan, and Guam.

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No, you cannot.

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Q: Can you be in the Army Reserve and be a Ranger at the same time?
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Are the us army ranger a fulltime active duty or part time?

You can be Ranger qualified, and be in any component. However, the Ranger battalions are active duty units, and there are no Ranger units in the Army Reserve or National Guard.

Can you wear ranger tab and special forces tab at the same time on the army service uniform?

Yes, but only if you've actually earned them.

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A member of the part time Citizen Forces or Army Reserve.

What does inactive in the army reserve mean?

Being inactive in the Army Reserve means that a reservist is not currently obligated to participate in training or deployments. They are still a member of the Reserve and can be called upon to serve when needed, but they are not actively engaged in military duties during this time.

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The Roman term "reserve" in the army did not have the same meaning as today's term. Today, at least in the United States, the term reserve is used to connote our "part time soldiers" or "weekend warriors" who at one time, would train for a certain period of time after they had completed their military service in order to be ready if they were called up. This practice has been discontinued. The Roman army did have a "reserve" which was the third line in a cohort's battle formation. It was made up mostly of veterans and was used to reinforce the front two lines and to step up when the front lines were depleted or needed a rest.

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The US Army has ALWAYS been a federal government function. From time to time, usually during war, the National Guard and Reserve forces may be "federalized"

How to Learn About Army Reserve Recruiting?

While join the United States military is a great way to give something back to a country that has given you so much, there are a few things that every person who is thinking about signing up for the Army Reserve needs to know about the Army Reserve recruiting process. Although the vast majority of Army Recruiters that are serving today are responsible individuals who have the best interests of the newest generation of soldiers at heart, the fact of the matter is that recruiters have quotas to meet. Here is what you need to know if you are considering going through the Army Reserve recruiting process.The best way to think about Army Reserve recruiting is to enter an Army Reserve recruiting office with the same frame of mind that you would enter an automotive dealership. Much like a professional car salesman, you can expect an Army Reserve recruiting officer to be eager to answer all of the questions and concerns that you may have about joining the US military as a reservist. At the same time, an Army Reserve recruiting officer is also likely to be interested in doing everything that he or she can do in order to get you to sign up as quickly as possible. If you are unsure about whether or not you really want to join the Army Reserves, do not let an Army Reserve recruiting officer push into doing anything that you are not comfortable about.The other key consideration to bear in mind when you are speaking with an Army Reserve recruiting officer is that most recruiters do not have a very accurate understanding of the type of background check that new recruits are subject to. In the effort to ease the mind of young recruits, some Army Reserve recruiting officers fail to properly inform recruits of the importance of being completely honest about your personal, financial and criminal background when you are filling out your paperwork. A couple of mistakes in your past will not stop you from being able to join the military, but being less than forthright about a poor credit score or prior arrest can make Army Reserve recruiting process much more complicated.

How many people enlist for army rangers?

The term Army Ranger is thrown around frequently but it actually refers to a person who serves/served in the 75th Ranger Regiment. At any given time there are roughly 2,000-2,200 Rangers serving in 3 Ranger Battalions and 75th Ranger Regimental Headquarters. Many people mistakenly believe that a soldier who graduates from the US Army's Ranger School are, in fact, Rangers. In reality they have only graduated from a school. Some of this confusion comes about because all soldiers who serve in the 75th Ranger Regiment must, at some point, complete Ranger School. Ranger School is open to all soldiers, primarily combat arms, and being awarded a Ranger Tab makes many people believe that they are Rangers. The modern day 75th Ranger Regiment traces its lineage back through Vietnam, WWII, The Revolutionary War and even back to England when men would protect the king's forest from poachers. They would ask "how far did you range today?" which led to the term Ranging/Rangers.

Is 20 hours army time same as 8am?

Yes, in army time 20:00 is equivalent to 8:00pm, not 8:00am.

Can a police officer be in the army reserve?

Yes a police officer can join the territorial army as a part time soldierAdded; The above answer also applies to US law enforcement officers.

What is the different between a national army and regular army?

A national army is a regular army. If, however, you want to know the difference between the National Guard and the regular Army, the National Guard is a part time reserve drawn from the general population who are mobilised in periods of national emergency.

Will your army reserve rank switch over to active duty?

For lower enlisted, yes, as those are automatic promotions based on time in service. So, if you're a Specialist or lower, you shouldn't lose rank. If you're going to the Regular Army from the Army Reserve as an NCO, you should expect that you'll loose at least one rank/grade.