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If a person owes the the state of Wisconsin dept. of revenue back taxes of $13,000. or more can they levy social security and penison monies?

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Q: Can the state of Wisconsin take your social security check for back taxes owed?
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Where do you send the state copy of W-2C for the state of Wisconsin?

Wisconsin state copy of Form W-2C are mailed to the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, P.O. Box 8902, Madison, WI 53708-8902. Wisconsin State Form W2-C are only accepted from the Social Security Administration electronically in a PDF.

Can you receive social security for child support from non costodial parent who has not paid in 11 years in state of Wisconsin?

Perhaps Welfare, not SS.

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Such numbers were issued in Connecticut.

Can you collect social security disability check while also collecting a state pension?

It depends on the specific rules of the state pension program and the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program. In some cases, receiving a state pension may affect the amount of SSDI benefits you can receive. It is recommended to check with the Social Security Administration and your state pension program for more information on how your benefits may be affected.

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does Mississippi Tax Social Security Income?

No, the state of Mississippi does not tax Social Security benefits at the state level. Therefore, Social Security income is not subject to Mississippi state income tax.

Where is social security tax withheld on check stub?

It should be listed as FICA. Listed next to Federal and State withholding, you'll also see FICA - that is your contribution to Social Security.

Do they check for arrest warrants to get a state id in Florida?

They do not check for arrest warrants if you get a state ID. However, they may come up attached to your social security number.

How do you get disability if you have never filed taxes?

Disability and taxes are unrelated. If you were injured on the job, file with the employment security office of your state. If not, check with Social Security.

Are social security taxes state taxes?

Social Security is a federal program. It is a federal "tax" not a state tax.

Which state has the best social security benefits?

Social Security is a federal program and the benefits are the same in every state.

Who is subject to social security tax?

In the State of Ohio, state employees do not pay Social Security. They pay into a state run pension plan.