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The president can and cannot wage war because he has the right to decide because he has the power. I don't really know the answer. you guys got tricked. CHECK!

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Q: Can the president wage war
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The Honorable Barrack Obama is the commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States of America, BUT he does not have the power to wage and carry out war, he has very little power actually. It's up to congress and the House of Representatives to wage and carry out war, except in the time of national crisis when the president may wage war.

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The War Powers Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-148) limits the power of the President of the United States to wage war without the approval of Congress.

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The War Powers Act of 1973 (Public Law 93-148) limits the power of the President of the United States to wage war without the approval of Congress.

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