Not by his own authoritty, but Cogress could probably legislate to hold one.
If you are referring to the US president, I understand he must have the approval of Congress to declare a war.
The Constitution grants Congress the sole authority to declare war.
no he did not hehehe
No, it belongs to Congress.
No, that is not true. The official power to declare war belongs to Congress.
No, he needs the approval of Congress and no President has sought that authority since FDR.
Because of the Thornton Affair.
No, the President does not have the power to declare war. That power is reserved to Congress by Article I, Section 8. The President is empowered to deploy troops for limited purposes and limited periods of time under the War Powers Act, but he has no power to declare war.
No. The President of the United States cannot declare war. US Congress declares war. However, the President of the United States does have the authority to use military force for up to 90 days without US Congressional approval.
No, President Roosevelt did not declare war on his own. The president can not declare war on his own. He did however, ask congress to declare war after the bombing at Pearl Harbor.
Congress has the power to declare war. The president of the United States is the commander of the military but cannot declare war without Congress.