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what degree, if any, can the actions of the First Congress and President help citizens understand the meaning of the Constitution? How else can citizens understand it?

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juan prado .

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Q: Can the actions of the first congress and president help citizens understand the meaning of the constitution?
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The citizens vote for the President AND Congress.

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should the us require that all eligible citizens vote? one reason is that The U.S. Constitution requires the President to report regularly to Congress.

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Citizens, the congress, and the president. Basically the citizens sometimes send the idea in, the congress and president approve it.

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No. The Congress derives its power from the Constitution, not from the president. The president and Congress are co-equal branches of the govenerment: the president cannot suspend the congress, and the Congress cannot suspsend the Presidency

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Because not all of the citizens had an opportunity to vote on it.

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The US President does not have the power to change the Constitution; however the US Congress added the 24th Amendment to the Constitution during the Eisenhower Presidency."The right of citizens of the United States to vote in any primary or other election for President or Vice President, for electors for President or Vice President, or for Senator or Representative in Congress, shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or any State by reason of failure to pay any poll tax or other tax."

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It gives congress the ability to remove the president for wrongdoing.

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"The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the President by a vote in Congress and election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens."

Is the oath for president and vice president the same?

No, the President's Oath is written in the Constitution. The Vice President's Oath is the same oath that members of Congress take and was not written in the Constitution, but the Constitution does require that the VP be bound by an Oath.

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Checks and balances between Congress and the president are intended to limit the potential powers of both.