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Yes. If you are worried about it, I'd file Married Filing Separately until you get the student loan issues cleared up.

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Q: Can the Treasury Dept offset a joint married tax refund if it is your default student loan and not the wifes. Your debt was pre-marriage?
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Can you get a student loan default off credit?

Actually, the default will stay on your credit indefinately until you get out of default. Student loan default on Federally Guaranteed student loans has no statute of limitation. If you consolidate your defaulted student loans, they will show up as Paid In Full on your credit report. You can get help with the consolidation of your student loans through Any default is going to stick around for about 7 years.

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Default The Student Loan Documentary - 2011 was released on: USA: 21 October 2011

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If you are in default on federal student loans you are not eligible for financial aid until you get them out of default.

Can you get a federal student Stafford loan if one of your parents has a student loan that is in default?


How do you know if your income tax return will be garnished from default student loan?

You can call the Department of Treasury. 1-800-304-3107. This is an automated system where you just put in all of your information and they will tell you whether an offser will occur, and the information as to who is doing it.

Will the government repossess your home for student loan default?

No, they will not.

A student loan is considered default after?

In the US, a Federally Guaranteed student loan is considered default after 270 days on non-payment. If you need help with your delinquent or defaulted student loans, click on the link below.

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Treasury Men in Action - 1950 The Case of the Lonely Student 2-8 was released on: USA: 22 November 1951

How can one get out of student loan default?

The easiest way for an individual to get out of student loan default is to pay off the remaining balance of the debt in full. This would also be the quickest way to rectify the issue.

Does IRS tell you if they are going to keep your refund due to student loan default?

You may not get advance warning, but you should receive a letter from the Treasury Offset Program telling you that your refund that you were expecting to receive has been offset. Many times, the offsetting agency (in your case, the student loans) will send you a letter beforehand informing you of their intent to offset your federal refund.

Can my husbands wages be garnished if I default on my student loan?

Not if he did not cosign on the loans.