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Q: Can the Texas flag fly at same height as US flag?
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What state is the only state that is allowed to fly its state flag at the same height as the US flag?

Texas flag no doubt i live in Texas i should know

Can you fly a flag below the American flag?

Yes. But the only flag that can be flown at the same height is the Texas flag. Because it was a republic every other flag is flow below it if it is being flown.such as: st.flags, business flags, army/military flags, ect. --- Actually it is a common misconception, largely born out of Texas pride - that only Texas can fly their flag at the same height as the American Stars n' Stripes. Any state can fly their fly at the same height. There are no special provisions in the US Flag Code. However it is interesting to note that Texas's own Flag Code states that the state flag should either be flown below the U.S. flag if on the same pole or at the same height as the U.S. flag if on separate poles. Vermont and California were also a republic once upon a time.

What state can fly it's flag at the same height as the American flag?

The Texas flag often is placed on a flagpole at the same height as the U.S. flag on its flagpole, and it's sometimes said that Texas is the only state that can do this. The explanation given is that Texas-unlike other states-was a Republic when in entered the Union. A (licensed?) tour guide of the Texas capital city of Austin tells this on his tours. It is an urban legend. All states can fly a state flag at the same height as the United States flag. However, if both flags are on the same flagpole, the U.S. flag code states that the United States flag must be on top. This urban legend has been spread by word of mouth for many years, but started appearing on the internet by at least 1994 on lists such as "useless facts" and "Texas facts."

Why is the Texas flag side by side the American flag?

TEXAS Flag is the only United States (State Flag) that is allowed to fly at equal height as the United States Flag. All other State flags must according to Federal Law fly below the top height of the U.S flag.

What flag can fly above the US flag?

No flag can be flown the American flag when on American soil.

How is the Texas flag flown with the US flag?

Any state flag should be flown below or level with the US Flag, but never above it. If it is on the same level it should be on the right, this includes Texas. The rumor that Texas is the only state that is allowed to fly at level with the US Flag is just that a rumor and an urban myth.

What state in the US is allowed to fly their flag higher than the US flag?

I know it's Texas. I forget how many flags have flown. The US flag for sure. Spain. The Republic of Texas (an independent nation). The Confederacy during the Civil War. Probably a few others. It's not Texas. Louisiana has had 10 flags fly over it in it's lifetime. Two of which were it's own country. The Republic of West Florida and the Republic of Louisiana. The confederacy, Britain, Spain, Old France, New France, the US, The Louisiana Flag

When did the Mexican flag fly over Texas?


Can Texas legally fly the state flag at the same height as the US flag?

According to the U.S. flag code article 175 section F, the Texas flag, or any other state/local flag can be flown at the same height as the United States flag, as long as it is neither higher nor to the right of Old Glory.

What years did the Mexican flag fly over Texas?

1821 - 1835.

Why does Canada fly a maple leaf flag instead of the US flag?

They fly a different flag, because they are a different country, now if they were the same country, they would fly the the US flag.

What is the proper way to fly the Flag of Nepal?

Its a same way we fly a flag ay United State.