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Q: Can eleticity be in a drink?
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How is eleticity condensed by rubber?

It Is part of cndueud eltricity two pole negative and positive is cunduect electicity

Why would you use iron to replace power lines?

If Iron conducts eleticity long distances better than any other metal then that would be one reason.

What is the name of the two metals that are plated together and heated for thermostats?

Bimetallic strips are used in thermostats where two metals, usually steel and copper, are layered together and heated to create a coil that bends with changes in temperature.

Can you have a drink of your drink?

Yes, it's your drink, you can drink out of it at any time.

What is the future tense of drink?

The future tense of drink is will drink.

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drink drink drink!!

What is the future of drink?

The future tense of drink is will drink.

What do leprechaun's drink?

They drink tea

What are the adverbs for drink?

drink slowly drink quickly drink thirstily

What kind of alcholic drink does Taylor Swift drink?

she doens't drink any alcholoic drink

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Drink, Sing, Drink, Dance, Drink, Eat shorbread, Drink, Go to each others houses, Drink...