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The stockholders ARE the owners of a corporation.

Technically no, because of what the earlier answer says, but it is possible for the board, majority shareholders, or officers to misappropriate the corporate assets to enrich themselves at the expense of the corporation and other shareholders. This is why courts invented the "derivative lawsuit."

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Q: Can an owner of a corporation purposely take money from a corporation so its shareholders receive nothing?
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Why is it that shareholders receive dividend last?

Shareholders assume the least amount of risk in comparison to other members of a company. They are separate legal entities, which means that they are only responsible for their investment in stock(s) of the company. If the company was in a financial struggle debt collectors cannot come after shareholders for cash because they are separate legal entities. Since they assume the least amount of risk, they receive dividends last.

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As a dividend, but that may not be a real option.

Will Washington Mutual stock go up?

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Do stockholders of the Greenbay Packers receive a championship ring if the team wins?

"No the stockholders dont even get a return on their investment" Actually, WHEN the Green Bay Packers win a championship the shareholders are offered a ring. It is like the director and coach get a different ring than the player ring. The shareholders are offered a "Shareholders" ring.