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Q: Can an immigrant who is out of status but still in the country get a drivers license They got a social security number when they were in status in college?
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Related questions

Can an illegal immigrant with a social security number renew a drivers license?

An illegal immigrant with a social security number may be able to renew a drivers license. However, there is no sure fire way to know whether or not this would work, simply because it is possible that they could get caught.

Can an illegal immigrant in Illinois get a drivers license?

No, a drivers license requires information making sure that he person is a citizen, or valid immigrant (VISA).

In what states can an illegal immigrant get a drivers license?

For sure in Georgia

How can an illegal immigrant get a drivers license?

get a green card or a visa..

What part of Georgia can a illegal immigrant get a drivers license?

In Georgia, illegal immigrants are not permitted to obtain drivers' licenses.

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take your key and unlock the drivers side door should disarm it

What paper work do you need to get a drivers license in GA if I am illegal immigrant?

A deportation Notice. Good luck.

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How to obtain drivers license number by name address and social security number?

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Do you need a social security number to get a drivers licenses?


Can an immigrant get a drivers license?

Yes, provided, of course, that s/he meets all the same criteria that a citizen must meet.

Do points transfer from va to MD?

Yes, your points follow you wherever you go. The drivers license record bureau and social security number are linked all over the country.