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Yes, and it seems like the closer you get to retirement the more stringent they get--stuff that would get you an Summary Article 15 at 4 years will get you thrown out at 18.

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Q: Can a soldier be discharged from the army for being overweight with 18 years of service?
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Can a soldier be discharged for no reason?

No. A service member can be discharged at the end of their enlistment, for medical reasons, compassionate reasons, misconduct, criminal acts, or being unsuited for service.

What type of discharge will you get for being discharged from the Army for being overweight?

Depends on the individuals Commander. In most cases an honorable discharge is given.

Can you join the army after being discharged from the air force?

Yes. I know several other service men who switched branches of service after they were discharged.

What type of discharge will you get for being discharged form the Marine Corps for being overweight?

Discharge for overweight Marines is an Other Than Honorable discharge, however it has been known that a few have had theirs modified to honorable via considerable work with their congressman.

Do militaries kick soldier's out of active service after 20 years?

Sometimes a person may discharged at 20 years. The military has requirements to be retained- being promoted, educational requirements, and job performance. Some people serve longer than 20.

Why was being a soldier a career in the roman empire?

Being a soldier in the Roman army almost had to be a career because of the length of time of enlistments. During the empire, that is at the time of Augustus, the term of service was twenty years with five more years added as a reserve. On top of that, the veterans were not always discharged as soon as their time was up. If the legion were severely undermanned or there was a war, or if they were on the frontiers, the discharges did not come through.

If a gay soldier is discharged due to their orientation what happens under the federal anti-discrimination act?

No one can be discharged from the U.S. military for being gay. "Don't Ask Don't Tell" was overturned on Sept 20, 2011.

Is there any way to qualify for a VA Small Business loan without being a veteran?

There is not. You have to either be in the service now or have been honorably discharged from the service.

What is Last venue played by grateful dead?

Soldier FieldJerry Garcia served nine months in the U.S. Army before being discharged for poor conduct.

What was the last venue the Grateful Dead played in?

The last venue the Grateful Dead played in was Soldier Field. Fun Fact:Jerry Garcia served nine months in the U.S. Army before being discharged for poor conduct. The last venue the Grateful Dead played in was Soldier Field. Fun Fact:Jerry Garcia served nine months in the U.S. Army before being discharged for poor conduct.

What was it purpose OF Draft Dodging?

To avoid military service (to avoid being a soldier, or marine, etc.).

Is overweight a complete verb?

overweight is a compound noun, it is a state of being not an action.