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you can only accept or reject it with a given degree of certainty

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Q: Can a scientific hypothesis be proven right or wrong for any kind of information?
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A scientific hypothesis may become a scientific law after repeated and successful testing?

Yes, but it can always be proven wrong. Nothing in science is for sure right.

What is the definition scientific conclusion?

To determine if your hypothesis is right

What happens when your hypothesis is incorrect?

Then your just proven wrong thats all. A hypothesis is not meant to be exactly right. Its more of a chance thing. if its right then your right, if its wrong then its back to the drawing board

Is a scientific hypothesis an example of a fact or a faith?

A scientific hypothesis is neither a fact nor faith. It is a proposed explanation based on existing evidence that can be tested and potentially supported or refuted through experimentation and observation.

What is the relationship between hypothesis and scientific theory?

A hypothesis is what you believe will happen when you do an experiment. Scientific theory is when you use the data you have received from an experiment and create an idea that best suits your results. A theory can be related back to your original hypothesis, the experiment can prove whether your hypothesis was right.

When applying the scientific method it is important to state the as a question in order to formulate a testable hypothesis?

I think you're on the right track. Why exactly do you need this information? School I suppose.

What do scientists do to help them make an hypothesis or collect data?

scientist do to collect data or hypothesis,easy way was reaserch about a specific thing or doing an experimentation,observation,then their we have the proven hypothesis right...... Waka-waka_01

Does a scientific hypothesis have to be right?

A hypothesis is an educated guess as what you think will happen in an experiment. A hypothesis is what you think may happen- so it may or may not be right. After dealing with the experiment, you must create a conclusion. In the conclusion, describe what actually happened and why or why not your hypothesis proved to be true or not.

Is a scientist hypothesis accepted if there is no way to prove that they hypothesis is wrong?

No, a hypothesis in science is not accepted simply because it cannot be proven wrong. For a hypothesis to be accepted, it should be tested through experiments or observations that can potentially disprove it. This process helps ensure that the hypothesis is supported by evidence and is not simply a matter of lack of contrary evidence.

How can finding out that a hypothesis is not true be useful for hypothesis?

So they know not to make the same mistake again

What are true about hypothesis?

Nothing is true about a hypothesis. It is a inference that you are make about something that has to be proven by experimentation. If it is proved true a consistent amount of times then you have developed a theory.

A what is a method of answering scientific questions by testing a hypothesis through the use of a series of carefully controlled steps?

Your answer is right there in the question; it's the Scientific Method.