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Read your governing documents to learn more about how proxies can be used in board elections in your association.

Usually, an owner receives a document which can serve as either a ballot or a proxy. So long as the owner's signature is on the document, and it can be identified as a proxy, it can be used as such. However, it can only be used for one or the other purpose, not both.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

In this case, owners are well advised to educate themselves as to the matter at hand and show up in person to vote according to what they believe should occur.

If someone is telling you that only proxies can be used in this case, request the legal opinion upon which this -- probably erroneous -- information is based.

Proxies are assignments of one's vote. If one is available and willing to vote, one should vote and not execute a proxy for someone else.

One can assign a proxy to cast a particular vote in the absence of an owner; one can assign a proxy to cast a vote that the proxy holder wants to cast; one can assign a proxy to cast a series of votes.

Proxies can be designed to execute most any vote.

Proxies are optional substitutes.

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Q: Can a proxy be used in the election of board members for condo association?
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The board or the association manager can answer your question.

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There is no standard. Read your governing documents to determine the qualifications for a board member. If your governing documents are silent, read the state law that covers the type of corporation formed for your association, if any. When governing documents are silent, the state law applies. Generally, it may be possible to hire a board member, but hired board members may not make up the majority of board members.

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Your association manager or board may be able to answer your question.

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If the condominium association protects its work in an office and only allows board members access to the room or office, then, yes.You may be able to find a specific answer in your governing documents, including board meeting minutes where this decision could have been voted upon.

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The Illinois Condo Act does not specifically prohibit board members from removing another board member from their position at any specific time. However, it is recommended that board members adhere to the proper procedures and guidelines outlined in the condo association's governing documents when considering the removal of another board member. These documents typically specify the process for removing a board member and may require a vote by the unit owners.

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Proxy voting is an important process that condo associations use to ensure that important decisions can be made, even if all members cannot be physically present. In essence, a proxy is a written authorization that allows one person to represent or vote on behalf of another during a meeting, especially in instances where important matters need a quorum, like a board election. The person who holds the proxy, often a fellow board member, can vote on the other person’s behalf. It's not unusual for guidelines around proxy voting to be outlined in a condo association's governing documents to ensure fair and transparent use. Here at Daisy, we believe in simplifying processes, including voting. For that reason, we've enabled board members to review, discuss, and vote no matter where they are. This way, board members can participate fully in important decisions without the need for proxies. We believe that more participation leads to better decisions for the entire community. Of course, each association has its own unique governing rules, so it's always best to understand these rules thoroughly for your condo association.

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Fiile a noise complaint with the Condo association and if that doesn't work, the local police department.Added: Loud noises from whom or what? The Condo Association MAY have control over some annoyances but for others you may need the police (as advised above). Speak to your Condo Board of DIrectors to see if they can assist you.

My condo association is making claims on a D and O policy for the legal defense of the association not for the directors Is this insurance fraud?

When you write 'association', you are referring to a person. Without a person, the 'association' has no voice with which to make any claims. If the person sits on the board of the association, then the person is part of the association -- as are all of its members. The person is a director and/or officer of the association. The association cannot act independently of a person, a board -- some physical entity. In the case of a claim against the association, persons from the board will be involved in the claim resolution, the directors and/or officers. The D&O coverage covers people who hold these offices in the association.

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Read your governing documents to determine the protocol and process for how elections are held in your association. You can find a copy in the association's business archives, or obtain one from the association manager -- probably for a production fee.

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Condominium ownership is a form of real estate ownership that provides for common areas owned by all owners who also own a unit. The association is the business of operating the community, and can be a corporation, commonly, a non-profit corporation. Every owner is given a set of governing documents -- at least CC&Rs and By-laws -- so that an owner understands the legal obligations of ownership. The By-laws detail the operation of the association, and includes the process by which leaders -- the board of directors -- are elected. As well, a recall of board members is possible and the process is also detailed in the By-laws. No, you cannot 'fire' the association. You can elect board members, and recall board members. These people can 'fire' association managers and other vendors.

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This information is typically defined in the association's governing documents and can range widely based on local laws and specific association guidelines. In some cases, there may not be specific residency requirements while in others, a board member might be required to use their unit as their primary residence. It's always best to refer directly to your condo association's governing documents or seek legal counsel for accurate information relevant to your specific situation. At Daisy Property Management, we understand it's essential for board members to have a clear understanding of their role and commitment. Daisy aids by providing real-time communication and financial strategy assistance, to name a few, regardless of the specific requirements your condo association may have. This ensures a proactive approach to managing the property and fosters a well-organized environment for residents and board members alike.