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Yes, I know of someone that Collects Child support SSI and Welfare.

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Q: Can a person collect SSI and Welfare at the same time in PA?
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What happened to welfare programs during the Clinton administration?

Welfare programs were capped to limit the time a person could be on welfare.

Can you collect Social Security and Unemployment Benefits in North Carolina at the same time?

Yes, you can collect them both at the same time.

Can a person receive a welfare check and child support at the same time in the state of Rhode Island?

Yes, if the amount of support actually received is less than the welfare payment level for the obligor's family.

What is the average time a person spends on welfare?

2 years

Can you collect unemployment and welfare at the same time in California?

Yes, if you recently lost a job, and have very low income and few resources, you may qualify for both unemployment and welfare benefits. If you are approved for unemployment, welfare will count the unemployment benefits as "unearned" income, and the benefit will count against your welfare benefits. Both unemployment and welfare require you to look for work. Welfare can grant a deferral from the work requirement if you are unable to work, but the unemployment agency will deny your claim if you are unable to work. The exception to this is if you became disabled after becoming eligible for unemployment, or if you were disabled due to an illness or injury not caused by your job

How much time can a person get for welfare fraud in Henrico Va?

How much time can a person get for wellfare fraud in Henrico VA.

Can age 62 person draw both Social Security and unemployment in Missouri?

As long as you qualify for both programs, you can collect both at the same time.

Can a person receive a welfare check and child support at the same time in the state of Massachusetts?

no, you give up your claim for support by filing for Welfare. That is why most tell the father to just pay them cash, than tell welfare that they don't know where the father is, or who. When ush comes to shove, the father is the one punished, not her.

Can you collect both EUC and social security at the same time?


Can you collect social security and unemployment in NJ at same time?

no . never .