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Yes, a CEO can be fired by a vote of other board members.

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Q: Can a CEO get fired
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Why aren't the banks CEO'S getting fired?

They deserve not to be fired. They deserve all the bonuses and perks of a CEO!!!!

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How do you prove employee was fired and did not quit?

Get the boss/CEO or someone who probably had the power to do it.

When did Leo Apotheker get fired as CEO of HP?

He did not live up to the expectations of the board.

Who is the first President to fire a CEO?

president Nixon fired the 1st CEO ,the ceo owned an food delivering company and because the food was shipped after the experation date it grew old causing more 100 people to die of food poisining HOG WASH!!! Nixon never fired any CEO of any private company, what are you smoking? The short and simple answer to this question is: BARACK HUSSAIN OBAMA

Why was BP CEO Tony Hayward relieved of his day-to-day responsibilities for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill- and does this mean he's fired?

No, he has not been fired. He has made a number of gaffes, to the media, and is recognized as a less than effective PR spokesman for BP.

Under what circumstances did Michael H. Jordan become CEO of Electronic Data Systems?

When the financially troubled EDS fired its chairman and CEO, Dick Brown, in March 2003, Jordan, a Dallas resident who had ties to a number of EDS board members, was chosen as his successor.

Why was Nicole mitchell fired from the weather chanell?

She was fired because she is too beautiful. Other married and single women complained to the weather channel corporate CEO's that their husbands, and boyfriends watch her each evening instead of Monday Night Football or the NFL channel. It pays to have TIVO.

Did pacific gas and electric fire its ceo when it filed chapter11 and did it give a bonis to to top people?

PG&E fired its CEO when it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy in January 2019. The company did not provide bonuses to top executives during this time due to their financial difficulties and restructuring efforts.

What is H R Management?

Human Resource Management- They work close to the CEO of the company and does all the discipline for the company when needed. Anyone can be fired or hired by the Human Resource Management Department.

Where does Spencer pratt off mtvs the hills work?

he works at innovtor management, he's the CEO of it and he was heidis manager, but I've heard speculation that they're divorcing and she's recently fired him as her manager.

Who is more senior a CEO or MD?