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Yes...I'm in the Guard and I use it.

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Q: Can National Guard members use Space A travel?
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What was the name of the us agency who oversees space travel?

The agency that oversees space travel in the United States is NASA, which stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. NASA is responsible for the nation's civilian space program and for aeronautics and aerospace research.

Explain why the members of the solar system generally do not bump one another as they travel in space?

The members of the solar system generally do not bump into each other because they orbit around the Sun in relatively stable and predictable paths due to the laws of gravity. The vast distances between objects in the solar system ensure that they have a low chance of colliding. Additionally, the gravitational forces between objects in the solar system result in stable orbits that help maintain the spacing between them.

Did the space probe Galileo have any crew members?

No, Galileo was an unmanned probe. At this time, it is not possible for humans to travel to Jupiter.

How do you travel to space?

Currently, space travel is reserved for astronauts who are selected and trained by space agencies like NASA or private companies like SpaceX. Astronauts typically travel to space using specialized spacecraft like the Space Shuttle or SpaceX's Crew Dragon capsule, which are launched into space using powerful rockets. Future advancements in technology may make space travel more accessible to the general public through companies like Virgin Galactic or Blue Origin.

Who does space travel benefit?

space travel denefits me =)

How do they travel to space?

Space travel is done by means of rockets.

Do we have the technology to travel to space?

Yes, we do have technology to travel to space.

How has space shuttle travel revolutionised space travel?

Space shuttle travel revolutionized space travel by providing a reusable spacecraft that could carry astronauts and cargo to space, then return to Earth for refurbishment and reuse. This reusability significantly lowered the cost of space missions and made it more accessible. The shuttle also facilitated the construction of the International Space Station and enabled crucial scientific research and technological advancements in space exploration.

How has the space shuttle changed space travel?

The space shuttle revolutionized space travel by being the first reusable spacecraft, enabling cost-effective access to space. It also enabled the construction and maintenance of the International Space Station, advancing human presence in space. However, with its retirement in 2011, space travel has shifted towards new spacecraft designs and technologies.

Where does a cosmonaut travel?

A cosmonaut travels to space, typically aboard a spacecraft like the Russian Soyuz or the International Space Station. They undergo extensive training to live and work in microgravity and conduct scientific research while in orbit around the Earth.

Which layer of the atmosphere does the space shuttle travel in?

The space shuttle travels in the thermosphere layer of the atmosphere, which is the layer located above the mesosphere. This layer is where temperatures can reach very high levels due to its proximity to space.

How would astronuts travel into space or to the moon?

they would travel in a space shuttle