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The widow's of veterans have few extra or new benefits. If their spouse had retired with benefits, they would continue to receive the ability to access military health care and shop on military bases, as well as receive some portion of their spouses' retirement pay.

Otherwise there is little to assist a veteran's widow.

My mother lost her health benefits pre 1982. I took her to a Navy hospital for a surgery. The surgeon told me, after surgury, that congress had cut widows health benefits. Soon after she received a new military ID, On the back it said "Benifits No" Widow WWII Vet

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What benefits do widows of World War II veterans receive?

No. There were once benefits for minor children of World War II disabled veterans, but none of them are still under 18.

What benefits do widows of honorable discharged veterans get?

you aren't entitled to veteran's benefits through the VA. You could be entitled to benefits directly through the military IF he died on active duty

Are there any benefits of deceased veterans for there wives?

Yes, spouses of deceased veterans can get up to $1056 per month. I know several widows who are receiving this benefit. It is not as much as a veteran gets, but it is a great benefit.

Where do widows of World War 2 apply for pensions?

Widows of World War 2 veterans can apply for pensions through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) in their country to receive benefits and support. They may need to provide documentation such as marriage certificates and proof of their spouse's service in the war to qualify for the pension.

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From 1945 till 1949 there was no German government and there were no benefits at national level. In the 1950s benefits for soldiers who had been disabled as a result of WW2 and for older war widows were introduced.

Did Benjamin Harrison support pensions for veterans?

Yes he did. This was an issue of the republican party and Harrison voted along party lines for healthy pensions for Civil War veterans and widows of fallen soldiers.

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Why are poppies often sold to raise money for veterans and their windows on Veterans Day?

Poppies grew wild in the fields in Flanders, where many of the battles of World War 1 took place. They particularly proliferated after the battles were over, the soil churned up, and the area fertilised with the blood of thousands. For this reason they are a significant link with war veterans. It is fitting that they be sold to raise funds for the veterans of any conflict, or their widows, who need help. See the related link which contains the poem "In Flanders Field", highlighting the significance of these battlefields.

Are there benefits for widows of Soldiers medal recipients?

You would need to contact the Veteran's Administration or the branch of military the the soldier served in (Army I assume since you say soldier and not not marine or sailor). The benefits really don't depend on whether or not the veteran was a medal recipient. If he retired from the service the widow would receive pension or benefits. If he did not retire and only served for say four years the widow may still be able to get some veterans benefits. see links below

What are the benefits for ex-serviceman widow?

Ex-servicemen's widows may be eligible for benefits such as pensions, healthcare services, educational assistance for their children, and housing assistance. These benefits aim to provide financial and emotional support to widows who have lost their spouses who were in the military.

Is there a provincial and federal pension for widows?

Yes, in Canada, widows may be eligible for the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) survivor's pension provided by the federal government. Each province may also have its own pension or benefits for widows, such as the Ontario Guaranteed Annual Income System (GAINS). Eligibility and benefits vary, so it is recommended to contact relevant government agencies for more information.

What was john curtin's legacy to Australia?

John Curtin's legacy to Australia was the significant expansion of Social Services. This included widows pension, maternity benefits for Aborginies and funeral benefits.