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Yes. There is electorial votes decided by your populations

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8mo ago

Yes, the citizen election and the electoral votes election are connected. In the United States, citizens directly vote for the candidates of their choice in what is known as the citizen election. However, the final outcome of the presidential election is determined by the electoral votes a candidate receives, which are allocated based on the results of the citizen election in each state.

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What is the difference between electoral votes and popural votes?

electoral vote is the population of the state and and the amount of citizen that live state and popular votes is the amount of citizen that vote for a presidential election

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Massachusetts cast its 12 electoral votes for Barack Obama in the 2008 election.

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In the 2008 election, Barrack Obama received 365 electoral votes. In the 2012 election, he received 332 electoral votes.

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There were 538 electoral votes in the 2012 US presidential election.

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