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Versus no pants? Or a skirt??? Would depend on the type of job I would suppose. The rules would be posted at the job - or the employer will tell you what is expected / safe.

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Q: Are pants required by OSHA on a job site?
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Can an OSHA inspector stop a job site?

An OSHA inspector can close a job site, but only in case of an imminent hazard to life.

How does OSHA ensure safety for construction job sites?

If the construction job is not a Federal or State-funded project, then it is required to follow OSHA guidelines. And, you may call the OSHA hotline to report any Life-Threatening workplace issues-- 1-800-321-OSHA. Even if it is a Federal or State contract, you may find help at OSHA. These contracts have a legal exclusion, but OSHA can pressure them to change certain practices.

What are the OSHA certification requirements?

There are many regulations under the OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Act. The act provides guidelines for employers for providing a safe and healthful workplace. You can find complete OSHA laws and regulations online.

What are the main points of OSHA?

Safety on the job

If an employee has a vehicle accident while going to a jobsite is that an OSHA Recordable?

If the accident occurred while driving from home to a permanent job site such as a factory, it is not recordable. If it occurred while driving from one job site to another (of the same employer) it is likely recordable. If the accident happened while driving from home to a temporary job site like a construction site, and the employee does not have a permanent location to which he normally reports, it may be recordable. See the specific OSHA guidance. Al the above presumes the circumstances comply with all the other criteria for recordability.

If you have an unsafe tool on a job site that is not being used can OSHA still fine you for it?

Yes they can, if it is in a position where it appears to be available for use. Unsafe tools should be tagged and removed from service, preferably removed from the work site.

Where do I receive online HR training?

This package contains the OSHA 10 Hour Construction Industry Outreach Course and the OSHA 10 Hour Construction Industry Study Guide. The OSHA 10 Hour Construction Industry Outreach Training Program is intended to provide an entry level construction worker's general awareness on recognizing and preventing hazards on a construction site. OSHA recommends Outreach Training Program courses as an orientation to occupational safety and health for workers covered by OSHA 29 CFR 1926. Workers must receive additional training, when required by OSHA standards, on the specific hazards of the job. Upon successful completion of the course, participants will receive an OSHA 10-Hour Construction Outreach DOL course completion card within 4-6 weeks.

Do you have to have to have an occupational health and safety representative?

Whether you are required to have a health and safety representative depends on the laws of the state, province, or country where you work, the procedures of your employer, and the kind of work being performed. Many organizations, especially in construction, have come to require a safety and health representative on each job site to assist with safety functions and analyze job site risk and hazards. Usually, companies have OSHA representatives and they are one of the people that makes sure that your company is aligned with all of the guidelines of OSHA and that you will not be penalized for some working hazards or unsafe features in the workplace. More information at safetymediadotcodotuk

Is it required for a job applicant to go to work site and perform the job before getting hired?

Most of them do to see if you qualify to be interviewed.

Does a pair of pants have a job at Burger King?

yes a pair of pants can get a job at burger king.XD

Is it OSHA recordable if a person is riding bike on company property and gets injured?

If a person is riding a bicycle on company property and is injured, it may be an OSHA recordable event. It would be OSHA recordable if:the injury was related to the persons job assignmentriding the bike was part of the jobthe injury required more than first aid in terms of medical attention

Does OSHA has the right to inspect any portion of athe job site without permission from the owner?
