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Absolutely, police forces around the world use tear gasand mace daily to flush out criminals and for crowd control.

Many countries military stockpile far stronger chemical weapons, but rarely if ever use them.

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Q: Are chemical weapons still in use today?
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Chemical weapons are very dangerous and can destroy also the environmement; USA used chemical weapons in all the wars (Vietnam, Serbia, Irak, Afghanistan, etc.).

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No country uses biological weapons of any type at this time.

What weapons have been around the longest and hence have the longest history to explore.?

Weapons that are still used today that have been around the longest are probably the rifle followed by the cannon. Weapons that had the longest use but are obsolete today are the spear (and maybe the ax) followed by the bow and arrow. The spear is surly the earliest weapon. It became the lance which was in use as late as World War 1

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They still use normal guns and knives, but on the smaller scale. Lower calibur weapons, but still full size.

Should chemical weapons be in wars?

i think using chemical weapons in war is not the best idea in the world but if that is all we have to use then i guess we will use it. but i also think that creating a way to kill our enemies without our weapons hurting our soldiers sould be made.

What weapons do people use in the world today and why?

They use the weapon of intimidation and power.