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Q: Answer to century 21 accounting reinforcement activity part b?
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Answers to century 21 south western accounting reinforcement activity part-B?

i looked everywhere and didnt find anything good luck

What is more common continuous or partial reinforcement?

partial reinforcement i reinforcing a response part of the time.

What are some schedules of reinforcement?

There are two kinds of reinforcement schedules. The first is continuous reinforcement where desired behavior is reinforced every time. The second schedule is partial reinforcement where a response is reinforced part of the time. Within partial reinforcement, there are four schedules which include fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, and fixed-interval and variable- interval.

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Communication of economic events is the part of the accounting process that involves what

Advantages of inflation accounting?

An advantage of inflation accounting, is that it can correct problems with inflation. The negative part about inflation accounting is that it is not fair value accounting.

The city of the first European missionary activity was?

The city of the first European missionary activity was Santiago, which is the capital of Chile. The first European missionaries arrived in Santiago as part of the Spanish colonization efforts in the 16th century.

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Should double entry accounting entries be equal?

In Double entry accounting system both the debit part as well as credit part of transaction should be equal otherwise accounting transaction is not complete properly.

Define book keeping and explain how it differs from accounting?

which is different from accounting,refers to the mechanical aspects off accounting, such as recording,classifying,and summarising transactions.bookkeeping is therefore a part off accounting....

Should Double-entry accounting transactions be equal or unequal?

In Double entry accounting system both the debit part as well as credit part of transaction should be equal otherwise accounting transaction is not complete properly.

Is accounting a good field to find a job in?

Accounting is a great field to find a job in because accountants are always necessary! The best part of looking for a job in accounting is that one can work independently AS an accountant, or as part of the accounting department for a company that provides other services. For example, an accountant may find a job doing accounting for a hotel.

What century is 1874 a part of?

The year 1874 is in the 19th. century. The 19th. century is from 1801-1900.