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All US soldiers are given opportunity to fill out what is referred to as a "dream sheet" on which they can request certain assignments. The premise is that assignments to dream sheet units will be issued in the event they are to the benefit of the Army. The reality is that few dreamsheet assignments actually occur.

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Q: After OSUT can a US Army Infantryman choose what Division he will be assigned to?
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Until the 21st century; it was the grunt. It is (or was) the infantryman that formed the basis of an army.

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How many paratroopers were sent into Vietnam?

Discounting the Green Beret (Special Forces) the US Army deployed one brigade from the 82nd Abn Division and the 173rd Abn Brigade to South Vietnam. The 101st may or may not have been an Abn Division when it arrived in country, but by 1970 it certainly was an Airmobile Div (helicopter borne infantry) and not an Abn one. A brigade was two or more battalions and a straight leg grunt battalion (which was a paratrooper outfit) had anywhere from 600 to 900 men assigned to it. Therefore a leg brigade of two battalions could equate to roughly 2,000 men. Note: Leg=Grunt/Infantryman (Vietnam War only). "Straight Leg Grunt" was a non-mechanized infantryman. Mech men rode M113 APC/ACAVs.

How does a naval officer win an army medal?

Because our military forces are continuously working to improve "Joint Operations," officers in one service may be assigned to work with another service. For instance, in combat an Army infantry division would have Navy, Air Force, and Marine officers assigned to their operations office as liaisons to coordinate support and movements.As such, the Army could award a performance or valor award to a member of another service while working with the Army.

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Dragon Army, his very own.

Is the us army third infantry regiment assigned to a division?

Not in WW2. Before 1939, each US Army Infantry Division had 4 infantry regiments. This proved to be too large for use on the battlefield. So the size the division was reduced and one regiment was removed. So the 3rd Infantry Regiment could have been part of a Division before then. However, during WW2 the 3rd Infantry Regiment was not part of an infantry division. Source:

What is the Army hierarchy ie division regiment corps battalion?

US ARMY Army Group Army Corps Division Regiment Battalion Company Platoon Squad